VR For All Schools Program

Interest Free Payment Plans On VR Headsets For Schools or Help With Getting Educational Grants For VR

One of the biggest hurdles of VR adoption in schools is the upfront cost of the VR hardware. Since headsets cost $300-$500 (at a minimum) adapting VR into your school can have a massive 1 time cost. This can inhibit your school from adopting this power educational tool. To mitigate this, we have created our “VR For All Schools Program.” 

With our program, you can purchase VR headsets from us directly with 0% interest 24-36 month payment plans. This will help reduce the single up front cost, making it more approachable to your budget.

Contact at Team@skillprepare.com to learn more.

Educational VR Game Titles By Skill Prepare

We develop educational games for VR that make sharpening skills fun

math world vr math game

Math World VR

Step into the realm of Math World VR! Choose from 12 engaging mini games that make math fun! Whether it’s distinguishing even from odd using darts, or mastering multiplication and division with a bow and arrow, you’re in for a fun experience while sharpening simple math skills.

Reading World VR cover art

Reading World VR

Reading World VR is a VR reading game that helps build reading, spelling, and literacy skills in a fun way. Play mini games to help sharpen literacy skills in a fun way. Coming early 2024.

Get Our VR Games On:

Our Educational games are available on Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3, Playstation VR2 & PICO VR

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we use your games on multiple devices?

You must purchase one copy of each game license per device in your school.

What if I have further questions about your games?

We are always here to help! If you have additional questions, feel free to email us at team@skillprepare.com