Make Learning Fun

Reading World VR
Have fun playing mini games while helping improve literacy skills in VR
Reading World VR is an educational VR reading game that combines fun mini games with reading to help players sharpen their literacy skills. Learn sentence structures, spelling, syllables, and more in a fun new way! There are difficulty settings in each mini game to help players learn at a 5th grade, 8th grade, and 12th grade pace. There are 12 fun mini games that are designed around sentences, comprehension, spelling, nouns, verbs, and more! A fun and immersive way to help sharpen your reading skills.

12 Mini Games To Help Sharpen Reading, Spelling, & Literacy Skills
Each mini game in Reading World VR has a fun & unique way of helping sharpen reading skills

Sentence Smash
Smash the correct sentence structures using a hammer.

Slingshot Sentences
Finish sentences and fill in the blank of each sentence by shooting a slingshot at the correct words.

Spelling Puncher
Punch the letters in the correct order to spell the words accurately.

Archery Word Bundle
Smash the correct sentence structures using a hammer.

Lily Pad Leap
Identify nouns, verbs, & adjectives by launching the frogs onto the correct platforms.

Magic Word Scramble
Use your magic wand to unscramble the letters to spell the words correctly.

Word Race
Compete in a race and win by getting all the words correct before the computer does.

Word Fragment Toss
Complete the fragmented words by tossing the ball in the correct bucket.

Syllable Puncher
Identify & punch the words with the correct syllables.

Rhyming Slicer
Use a sword to slice the words that rhyme with the word above.

Fishing For Syllables
Use a fishing pole to reel in words with the correct syllables.

Timeline Ring Toss
Toss rings that match the sentences on past, present, or future tense.

Difficulty Settings From A 6th-9th Grade Reading Level
Each mini game has a difficulty setting that ranges from a 6th to 9th grade reading level. Challenge player’s reading skills on the hardest difficulty of each mini game!

Reading World VR Game Screenshots
In game screenshots from Reading World VR

Skills In Mind
Learning skills we thought about when developing each mini game for this fun reading VR game

Reading Skills

Word Recognition

Vocabulary Skills

Spelling Skills


Sentence Structuring

Attention & Focus

Reading Speed

Parts Of Speech Skills

Available On:
Reading World VR VR is available on Meta Quest 2/3, PSVR2, & Steam VR

Get It On Meta Quest Now

Get It On PSVR2 Now